The Crescent TheatreProduction Archive Pages


Please note this archive page may link to other pages and sites that no longer exist

The Eight Moon Journey

Scene By Scene

Act One

Act Two

The Voyage Out
Lone Aboriginal
Loneliness of Men
An Audition
The Authorities Discuss the Merits of the Theatre
Harry and Duckling Go Rowing
The Women Learn Their Lines
Ralph Clark Tries to Kiss His Dear Wife’s Picture
John Wisehammer and Mary Brenham Exchange Words
The First Rehearsal

Visiting Hours
His Excellency Exhorts Ralph
Harry Brewer Sees the Dead
The Aborigine Muses on the Nature of Dreams
The Second Rehearsal
The Science of Hanging
The Meaning of Plays
Duckling Makes Vows/A Love Scene
The Question of Liz

This is a commentary of what you can expect to see in the show. I will outline my initial ideas of what I am aiming for and why at the beginning of the process. Then I will add thoughts during rehearsal as to whether the ideas are working. Then there will be a final comment upon the finished scene. This section is to give audience members, particularly students, a clearer insight into the moment by moment action of our production so that note taking after the show won’t be hindered by a failure to remember – meaning that you can enjoy and watch during the play. Also, any opinions expressed are merely my own – there is nothing definitive here, agree and disagree as much as you like.

Each of the items in the table above link to their own page.

Box Office: 0121 643 5858
The Crescent Theatre, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8AE. Company No: 699933, Charity No: 245054