The Crescent TheatreProduction Archive Pages


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The Eight Moon Journey

Scene By Scene

Act One

Act Two

The Voyage Out
A Lone Aboriginal Australian
Loneliness of Men
An Audition
The Authorities Discuss the Merits of the Theatre
Harry and Duckling Go Rowing
The Women Learn Their Lines
Ralph Clark Tries to Kiss His Dear Wife’s Picture
John Wisehammer and Mary Brenham Exchange Words
The First Rehearsal

Visiting Hours
His Excellency Exhorts Ralph
Harry Brewer Sees the Dead
The Aborigine Muses on the Nature of Dreams
The Second Rehearsal
The Science of Hanging
The Meaning of Plays
Duckling Makes Vows/A Love Scene
The Question of Liz

The Voyage Out

Intention: The actors begin the show by talking directly to the audience, sharing with the audience and fellow actors some interesting observations by the audience. They then narrate when and where the action of the play begins. They move into position in the hold, while sideway is whipped on a level above the others, created by moving the stage boxes together to create the upper deck. The actor whipping sideway mimes the action of the whip, there is a sound effect and Sideway reacts. Then Sideway is thrown into the hold. A gobo creating the effect of light through the bars of the deck indicates where they are.

Performance Outcome
10/09/06 In terms of rehearsing this scene, this is a difficult way to start for a group of rehearsing actors. There is a definite need for sound effects here. I intend to use the sounds of the sea and ship, as well as the sound of the whip, to help create a sense of atmosphere. Also, the lighting effect will add to this.

This works really well with the sound and light, shifting interestingly from house lights to performance. The miming of the whip accompanied by a sound effect works in terms of suggesting the action and creating a context for the audience, and does create the V-Effekt I was looking for, but it maybe doesn’t have the visceral impact it could have. However, that is fine for this specific production – with a bigger stage and more space I would maybe look for something else.

The actors’ speeches work well and I am pleased with the slightly physical theatre moment of reaching for the light while a tempest sounds.


Box Office: 0121 643 5858
The Crescent Theatre, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8AE. Company No: 699933, Charity No: 245054