Scene By Scene
Act Two - Pre-Set
Intention: At about the time the audience are called back the actors will return to the stage, the band first and then the others in stages. They will sing a few more songs that should now begin to have a real sense of connection with the play. When the audience are seated the actor playing Liz, or at least one of the female actors, will sing a song specifically about female convicts. As the song is being sung the actors will put on manacles and chains and get into position for scene one. At this point, without a cast I have no idea as to whether the actor playing Liz will be able to sing. However, it’s not important that she can sing well as Brecht often had actors sing rather than singers act, giving a rough quality to the performance and removing the culinary aspect for the audience.
Outcome: The songs here work well as there’s a change of tone that reflects the change in tone of the second half. Also, the segue from the song ‘Convict Maid’ into the action of the second half works really well.