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The Crescent Theatre Company presents
Talking to Terrorists
Fri 3rd – Sat 11th April 2009 at 7.45 pm - Ron Barber Studio
Matinees: Sun 5th and Sat 11th at 2.45pm
After Dark Talk – Fri 10th April
Astonishing, illuminating, important
For the original production (commissioned by the Royal Court and Out of Joint) the writer, director and actors interviewed people from around the world who have been affected by or involved in terrorism. They wanted to know what makes ordinary people do extreme things, often at a shockingly young age. Peacemakers, journalists and hostages.
Significant figures from recent history. And those who have crossed the line. Their stories take us from Africa, Israel, Turkey, Iraq and Ireland to the heart of the British Establishment.
“Starting out at The Royal Court, this affecting piece came about from interviews with people directly affected by terrorism as hostages, journalists or victims. Spoken verbatim by the actors of The Crescent Theatre the result is a hugely powerful piece of theatre.” - Metro, 8th April.
"Five stars without question... it is presented with confidence and precision... it hardly raises its voice but defies you to look away... not by any stretch of the imagination an easy ride but it deserves attention and applause..." - John Slim, Birmingham Evening Mail, 8 April.
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Tickets: £11.50 (Concessions £10.50)
Preview Night – Fri 3rd April – All tickets £5.00
By arrangement with Gardner Herrity
The Crescent Theatre Company is presenting three plays for Spring 2009 that deal with one of the major issues confronting mankind: terrorism. These plays raise questions about conflict – both personal and ideological – and try to make sense of a world that often appears to make no sense at all.
Publicity images