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The Crescent Theatre Company presents
Summer Repertory Season 2009
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Performances: in The Ron Barber Studio
Preview – Sat 4th July at 2.45pm
Sun 5th July at 2.45pm
Tue 7th July at 7.45pm
Thu 9th July at 7.45pm (plus After Dark Talk)
Sat 11th July at 7.45pm
Love can bloom anywhere for anyone
Surprisingly there are no women nor spiders in this play at all. The only two characters are male, and trapped together in a cell in Villa Devoto, 1976, Buenos Aires, Argenina. The prison had one of the worst human rights record in history. With a capacity of 800 the cells were often crammed with more than 2,180 men. The play portrays just two of those men; Molina, a homosexual, and Valentin, a Marxist revolutionary. As an audience, we have no choice but to focus intently on the two characters - one of whom never leaves the cell. The other exits only at the bequest of an Orwellian Big Brother Warden, that you only ever hear and never see.
There is nothing ordinary in Kiss of the Spider Woman. Puig interrogates all the things you thought you knew about humanity, about sex, about friendship, about hatred and honour. What would you die for? When you are stripped of your basic fundamental rights, to eat, to sleep, to defecate - how do you regain your dignity? Your sense of worth? When everything you've lived for and were prepared to die for is ripped away, what remains?
In a time when we are constantly reminded how terrible the recession is, and how much we have lost or have to struggle now, this play is something of a reality check
We present two plays in repertory, both set in prison – claustrophobic and contained, the ideal location for worlds to collide and sparks to fly - see also Iron.
Read about Kiss... on The Blog.
Tickets: £11.50 (Concessions £10.50)
Previews – All tickets £5.00