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Guards Guards Main House
by Terry Pratchet and adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs
14-24 February (Audio described 22 and matinee 24)
The Crescent Theatre Company
Terry Pratchet's infamous city of Ankh-Morporkh is under threat from a 60 foot tall fire breathing dragon, summoned by a society of mal-contented tradesmen.
Defending Ankh-Morporkh against this threat is the entire underpaid, undervalued City Night Watch - all four of them! There's Vimes, the world-weary drunken Captain; Colon, a cowardly overweight Sergeant; Corporal Nobby of dubious parentage and the newest recruit, Lance Corporal Carrot who is upright, law-abiding, keen and a dwarf. (by adoption).
Aided by a small swamp dragon and the Librarian of Unseen University (who just happens to be an orang-utan) this little band must fight for truth, justice and the Ankh-Morporkian way.
This production of Terry Pratchet's work follows the Crescent's previous successes with Wyrd Sisters, Mort and, most recently, Maskerade.
Subscription Series Show 2
Performance times: 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22A, 23 Feb at 7.30pm; 24 Feb at 2.30A & 7.30pm