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Maskerade Main House
by Terry Pratchett, adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs
17th June - 1st July 2000
All is not well at the Ankh-Morpork Opera House. A ghost stalks the dark corridors, leaving strange letters for the management and killing people.
Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg, two Lancre witches, investigate and are soon involved in all kinds of skulduggery, mayhem and ear-splittingly loud singing.
Packed with one-liners, quirky characters, dramatic panache and a labyrinthine plot this is a treat for all Discworld fan or novice alike.
Maskerade follows recent hugely successful stagings by the Crescent Theatre of Terry Pratchetts Mort and Wyrd Sisters.
Performance dates
Sat 17 June, 7.30; Mon 19, 7.30; Tue 20, 7.30; Wed 21, 7.30; Thu 22, 7.30; Fri 23, 7.30; Sat 24, 7.30; Mon 26, 7.30; Tue 27, 7.30; Wed 28, 7.30; Thu 29, 7.30(A); Fri 30, 7.30; Sat 1 July, 2.30(A) & 7.30