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Bournville Musical Theatre Company presentsSWEET CHARITYTuesday 24 - Saturday 28 April 2012 at 7.30pm in The Main House Matinee: Saturday 28 April 2.30pm Taxi dancer Charity continues to have Faith in the human race despite apparently endless disappointments at its hands, and Hope that she will finally meet the nice young man to romance her away from her sleazy life. Maybe, just maybe, handsome Oscar will be the one to do it... Tickets Prices: Tuesday 24 & Wednesday 25April: £13 (£12 Concessions) |
Audience FeedbackSimply wonderful.....a total feel-good experience. The exuberance of all the cast; the pace ; the high standard of the singing and dancing.......every minute actually.....and no, I am not related to any member of the cast nor do I know anyone connected with the a totally impartial member of the audience. Great anon |