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The Crescent Theatre Company presentsSeparate Tablesby Terence RattiganSat 2nd to Sat 9th July 2011 at 7.45pm in the Ron Barber Studio Matinees: Sun 3rd and Sat 9th at 2.45pm Separate Tables is the collective name for Rattigan's two one-act plays which take place in the Beauregard Private Hotel in Bournemouth. The first - "Table by the Window", is centred on the relationship between a disgraced politician and his ex-wife. The second - "Table Number Seven", is set about a year and a half later and deals with a touching friendship between a spinster and a retired English army officer. The other residents and the hotel staff appear in both plays, providing the link between the two. Tickets: £10.00 (Sun Matinee: £5.00) |