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Virg is BackVirg is Back

Sat 10th April at 7.30pm in The Ron Barber Studio Theatre

Cantos & Country Music

Another opportunity to see this entertaining and seductive mix of Poetry, Comedy and heart-twanging Country Music.  One time Crescent member, award-winning poet, novelist, playwright,  and Presenter of the BBC’s Poetry Please!, Gareth Owen, returns to the Crescent along with - all the way from Intercourse, Tennessee - the one and only, cult legend of Country Music -Virg Clenthills.

What the critics said:

Owen holds the audience spellbound with a performance of great virtuosity. Maurice Patching,  B’ham Post and Mail.

A torrent of jovial mockery…hard to beat for intelligent high spirits.    J.W. Lambert, The Sunday Times.

Gripping and brilliant.  Sy Syna. News of New York

And as for Virg , well:  If you’ve ever woken up in an empty bed, blear-eyed and smelling of cheap perfume, with a broken heart in one hand and an empty bourbon bottle in the other – Virg was singing just for you.

‘I caught Virg’s show in Birmingham. He sings for bar room loners, for the disenchanted and the broken-hearted. I laughed till I cried. I love him.’  Ruby Turner, Soul singer.
‘Musical open-heart surgery’ The Lancet.

‘Virg is Country. You can’t go further down that road unlessn you die’  Nashville Courier.

Don’t Miss it!

Tickets: £8

Production links

Box Office: 0121 643 5858
The Crescent Theatre, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8AE. Company No: 699933, Charity No: 245054