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The Crescent Company presents

The Birthday Party

by Harold Pinter

Sat 2nd – Sat 9th October 2010 at 7.45pm in The Ron Barber Studio Theatre
Matinee: Sun 3rd October at 2.45pm
After Dark: Fri 8th October

"Come to Sunny Prestatyn, laughed the girl on the poster..."

Likewise in that poetic gem from Larkin, Harold Pinter's picture perfect postcard setting is certainly not the case in The Birthday Party, his first full-length play.

Against a backdrop of a rundown boarding house, run by Meg and Petey Boles, Stanley Webber celebrates his birthday. However, a couple of uninvited, rather sinister guests arrive to give erstwhile piano player Webber a birthday party he will want to forget.

In true Pinter style The Birthday Party does indeed leave much unsaid and unexplained. Another Pinter narrative that avoids resolution, but still captivates our modern awareness of intimidation techniques and as David Farr explains "that punishment may precede the crime and that you are accused before you've actually done anything".

Sadly, the notion of knocking on someone’s door and terrorising them is becoming more and more real.

Tickets: All Seats £10.00 (No Concessions)
Sunday Matinee – All Seats £5

By Arrangement with Samuel French Ltd

Box Office: 0121 643 5858
The Crescent Theatre, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8AE. Company No: 699933, Charity No: 245054