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Birmingham Theatre School One Year Professional Acting Course Presents
Playing for Time
Directed by Chris Rozanski
Wed 14th - Sat 17th July 2010 in The Main House
Wed: 7.30pm (after dark discussion), Thu: 7.30pm, Fri: 2.00pm and 7.30pm (after dark discussions)
Sat: 7.30pm (Graduation Award Ceremony after the show)
PLAYING FOR TIME tells the extraordinary story of the women’s orchestra in Auschwitz . It centres on Fania Fenelon, a Parisian singer, who is arrested by the Nazis, sent to Auschwitz and there finds herself swept into the orchestra, composed entirely of women prisoners and created to entertain the camp commandants.
As long as the orchestra finds favour, its members are spared the gas chambers. They are, quite literally, playing for time.
Tickets: £10 / £8 concessions