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Birmingham School of Acting Autumn SeasonBig LoveWed 20th – Sat 23rd October in The Ron Barber Studio Theatre Directed by Lise Olson Big Love - Charles Mee's modern reworking of the ancient play The Suppliants - is a larger-than-life tale of 50 brides on the run from their 50 cousins (and husbands-to-be). Pursued by the grooms via helicopter, the brides have taken refuge in a villa. With three protagonists on each side leading the action, the play is a grand pendulum, swinging between semi-rational negotiation and all-out warfare of the sexes. Fury, indignation, anticipation and heartache cram onto the same stage as the play hurtles towards its conclusion, while, behind the caricature, characters of real substance fight for their futures. Adult content, not suitable for children Tickets: £7.50 (concessions: £5.00 , Students: £2.50) |