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Stage2 presents
Spoonface Steinberg
Wed 7th – Sat 10th January 2009 at 7.30pm Ron Barber Studio Theatre
Matinee: Sat 10th at 2.00pm
Lee Hall's extraordinary, award-winning play about faith, love and the meaning of life was first broadcast on BBC Radio Four in 1997 to unprecedented acclaim.
"And what is the meaning of all these things? And the meaning was if you found the spark - and it was finding sparks inside you and setting them free." Lee Hall wrote Billy Eliot. Spoonface Steinberg is his extraordinary, award-winning play about faith, love and the meaning of life: a monologue by an autistic eight-year-old girl who is dying of cancer. It is in turn, funny, intensely moving and profound. "Spoonface Steinberg is an amazement, a play at once simple and complex, multi-layered and accessible ... from the first, it plunges us into the puzzle of the autistic mind and makes us experience it as if our own." Financial Times. "A hard, sad, beautiful play." Sunday Times. "funny, intense and poetic" Daily Telegraph.
Tickets: £8.50 (No Concessions)