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ACS Birmingham and Forte creations present
Our History
Thursday 29th October 2009 at 7.30pm in The Main House
Forte Creations and ACS Birmingham host the finest Black history event to ever hit Birmingham!
Come and celebrate black history In a way that is both entertaining and informative. Black history is one that has entwined with all cultures along its varied and eventful journey, that’s why EVERYONE of all ages and backgrounds, are invited to come and share what makes each of us so special and unique. Essentially the event will celebrate and explore black history and culture in general - OUR HISTORY.
Expect to be wowed by the cities hottest talents, and a few Londoners. Immerse yourself in an explosion of vibrant culture music and food, Ladies and gentlemen, it is the honour of Forte creations and Birmingham uni ACS to present OUR HISTORY.
Dress code
Cultural attire/ national costume; wear your cultural heritage on your skin! Whether it be the flag of St George, an African Dashiki, Indian Saree or your flag colours, SHOW OFF WHERE YOU ARE FROM!
Tickets: £10 (Concessions £7)