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The Arcadians present
Tue 20th - Sat 24th October at 7.30 in The Main House
Matinee: Sat 24th at 2.30
Having been thrown out of the workhouse and sold to an undertaker for daring to ask for more gruel, young Oliver Twist escapes to London where he is led into a life of crime by Fagin and his gang of pickpockets. When Oliver is later threatened by the nasty Bill Sykes, Bill's girlfriend Nancy steps in to help Oliver, but she herself is already suffering at the hands of Bill. How big a sacrifice will Nancy have to make to save Oliver from a life of crime and violence?
Full of old favourites including "Food, Glorious Food", "Consider Yourself" and "As Long as He Needs Me"; by the end of the show you too will be begging for more!
Tickets: £10 - £14 (Concessions £12)
An amateur production by arrangement with MusicScope and Stage Musicals Ltd of New York.