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Musicals in Motion
Thu 30th Apr & Fri 1st May 2009 at 7.30pm in The Main House
As Featured on BBC Television, this award winning first-of-its-kind theatre show captures the essence, emotion and grandeur of the West End and Broadway.
Established west end musical stars Jem Brent & Rachel Slater have performed in many shows which include Starlight Express, Singing in the Rain, Evita, Rent, 42nd Street, Copacabana, Saturday Night Fever to name just a few. The other star of the show is a 24 square metre projection screen and with clever lighting and perfect timing, the live performers interact seamlessly with their supporting cast of over 70 breaking down the barrier between what is “live“ and what is “virtual”.
With fully choreographed dance routines, authentic costumes and a full range of dynamic CGI sets, the audience sees a full musical show which would have previously only been possible by travelling to the West End or Broadway.
Intrigued? Visit for a taster of the latest in theatre innovation
Tickets: £14 (Concessions £12)