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The Crescent Theatre Company present
God in Ruins
Sat 19th - Tue 22nd & Tue 29th - Wed 30th December in The Ron Barber Studio.
19th at 7.45pm, 20th at 2.45pm, 22nd - 23rd & 29th - 30th at 7.30pm
Christmas is not such a joyous time...
At least it’s not if you’re single, male, alone. Described by The Daily Telegraph as: “Festive filth ... highly recommended,” this is a play for adults only.
The central theme is a man trying to communicate with his daughter in a world of technology, A Christmas Carol sentimentality, mothers, sons and men alone in their bedrooms becoming gods in the online world of Second Life.
Ditch the turkey and join us for a hilarious and deeply moving night out.
Tickets: £11.50 (Concessions £10.50), Sunday 20th: £5.00
Groups of 20 or more: £9.00