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The Diary of Anne Frank
Sat 7th - Sat 14th November in the Ron Barber Studio Theatre
7th & 10th - 14th at 7.45
Matinee: 14th at 2.45
Schools Matinees - Wed 11th Nov at 10am & 2pm
After Dark Talk - Fri 13th November
Dear Diary, you and I are going to be great friends...
November 1945. Mr Frank is in the attic giving instructions for a pile of papers to be burnt. At the last moment he discover his daughter’s diary and one of the most important documents of Twentieth Century social history is preserved for all time. Quickly we are propelled back to 1942: “My name is Anne Frank. I am 13 years old.”
We know the rest of the story, but we must never forget.
Tickets: £11.50 (Concessions £10.50)
Groups of 20 or more: £9.00
Schools Matinees: £9.00