The Crescent TheatreProduction Archive Pages


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West Side Story PosterBirmingham Conservatoire present

West Side Story

Music by Leonard Bernstein. Book by Arthur Laurents. Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

12th – 14th June 2008 at 7.30pm in The Main House
Matinee 14th at 2.30pm

One of the most famous musical creations in the history of entertainment.

The robust and exuberant re-telling of the `Romeo and Juliet' story dances its way to ever-greater success.

Famous songs include "Tonight", "Maria", "I Feel Pretty", "Somewhere" and "America".

Tickets: £12 (Concessions £9 & Conservatoire Students £3.50)

Production links

Box Office: 0121 643 5858
The Crescent Theatre, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8AE. Company No: 699933, Charity No: 245054