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Marc Sinden Productions in association with The Crescent Theatre present
Seven Deadly Sins, Four Deadly Sinners
complied and written by Norman Hudis
Sunday 16th March 2008 at 7.30pm in The Main House
An anthology evening of wicked comedy, heavenly drama, devilishly tall tales, enchanting poetry and seductive stories complied and written by the screenwriter of the very first Carry On film, Carry On Sergeant in 1958.
Starring four temptresses:
TRACEY CHILDS (‘Linda’, Born and Bred)
JAN FRANCIS ('Penny', Just Good Friends and Bad Girls)
RULA LENSKA ('Nancy', Rock Follies and Celebrity Big Brother '06)
LIZ ROBERTSON (My Fair Lady and The King & I)
Tickets: £20 (no concessions)
Carry On Mini-season offer: See Cleo..., Seven Deadly Sins... & Think No Evil Of Us... for £35 instead of £50 (call Box Office - not available on-line)