The Crescent TheatreProduction Archive Pages


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The Breath of Life pictureThe Breath of Life

By David Hare
By arrangement with Samuel French Ltd

31st May - 7th June 2008 at 7.45pm in The Ron Barber Studio

"Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge". Gauguin's epigram serves as the motto for this moral tale of two women, both in their 60s, whose lives are interwoven in ways neither of them yet understands. Madeline Palmer is a retired curator, living alone on the Isle of Wight. One day to her door comes Angela Beale, a woman she has met only once, who is now enjoying sudden success, late in life, as a popular novelist.

The progress of a single night comes to echo the hidden course of their lives.

Tickets: £10 (Concessions £9)

PgotographsCopies of production photographs are available for purchase

The Breath of LifeThe Breath of Life


Box Office: 0121 643 5858
The Crescent Theatre, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8AE. Company No: 699933, Charity No: 245054