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All & Sundry present
An Inspector Calls
Mon 22nd – Sat 27th Sep 2008 at 7.30pm in the Main House
Matinee: Sat 27th at 2.30pm
Victorian Values, 21st Century Ethics, Human Traits, Abuse of Power, Man’s Inhumanity to Man, A Mysterious Caller …. A Police Inspector?
Things will never be the same again!
Arthur Birling, a prosperous manufacturer, is holding a family dinner party to celebrate his daughter’s engagement. Into this cosy scene intrudes the harsh figure of a police inspector investigating the suicide of a young working-class woman. Under interrogation, every member of the family turns out to have a shameful secret which links them to her death.
Visit for more information.
Mon/Tue: £10.00 (£8.50 concessions)
Wed - Sat: £13.00 (£12.00 concessions)