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The Crescent Theatre in association with De Musset & Co. Presents
Wilde at Heart
Devised by Patrick Marley, on the life and works of Oscar Wilde
Sat 10th February 2007 at 7.30pm - Main House
Patrick Marley and Genevieve Allenbury present a magnificent collage of Wilde’s meetings with the persons who influenced his life, revealing the triumphs and tragedies that characterised the flawed genius that Wilde undoubtedly was. Those who think they know all there is to know bout Wilde, and those who know next to nothing, stand to gain much from this account of a man who, as Yeats puts it was ‘the half-finished sketch of a great man’
"...beautifully compiled and thrillingly performed.” Sir Derek Jacobi
"A unique evening. Two bewitchingly accurate performances – Oscar would have been delighted.” Trevor Peacock
"This Wilde is wonderful – revealing, moving, beautifully performed. What talented people.” Angus McGill, Evening Standard
Tickets £12 (Concessions £11)