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The Crescent Theatre Presents a 75th Anniversary Season production of
Three Sisters
by Anton Chekhov in a new modern adaptation
Saturday 3rd - Saturday 17th November 2007 in the Ron Barber Studio
Evenings 7:45pm, Matinees 2:45pm
The Prozorov Sisters, Olga, Masha and Irina, dream of freedom, sex, romance and Moscow. Two figures appear in their lives. Vershinin, the new battery commander, has hopes of a better future for mankind. Natasha, a local woman, has hopes of a better future for herself. Each will transform the Prozorov family …
A complex lattice of stories works itself out, bringing reward to some, despair to others.
For more on Three Sisters visit:
Three Sisters Microsite >> and
Education Resources
Schools planning to come and see this production can download notes from htttp://
The script is also available at : Sisters 20July 2007.pdf should you wish to study it prior to the production, or read it afterwards.
As part of the research for this production the director has compiled a selection of reviews to allow the actors to consider how the play has been interpreted in the past. The reviews include Katie Mitchell’s production at The National Theatre in 2003, Cheek By Jowl’s Russian language version which toured the UK in 2007 and a contemporary review of Laurence Olivier’s 1967 National Theatre production.
You can download the reviews from:
There is also an interview with Peter Brook about the rehearsal process on the National Theatre's website that you might find useful.
Tickets: £10 (Concessions £9)