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![Sunshine Boys picture](images/sunshine_boys_pic_01.jpg)
![Sunshine Boys Picture 2](images/sunshine_boys_pic_02.jpg)
![Sunshine Boys - Picture 3](images/sunshine_boys_pic_03.jpg)
![Sunshine Boys - Picture 4](images/sunshine_boys_pic_04.jpg)
The Sunshine Boys
by Neil Simon
Sat 9th - Sat 23rd June 2007 at 7.45pm in the
Ron Barber Studio Theatre
(Matinées - 16th and 23rd at 2.45pm)
In spite of performing together for 43 years, ex-vaudeville team Al Lewis and Willie Clark have a natural dislike for one another. CBS-TV wants to make a ‘History of Comedy’ series that will of course include their act.
Will has been doing TV commercials and Al has been happily retired, but once back together for the series, Al starts picking on Willie all over again...
Simon's inspiration was the real-life vaudeville team of Joe Smith and Charles Dale who, unlike their theatrical counterparts, were inseparable life-long friends.
First Night Only - £8.00 - no concessions
Other Performances - £9.00 / £8.00 concessions
Copies of production and publicity photographs are available for purchase