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BBC Radio WM Presents
Summer Star Search with Jenny Wilkes
Sat 16th June 2007 in the Main House
This Summer BBC WM will be scouring the West Midlands to discover hidden talent. Can you sing, dance, yodel, tell jokes, play the spoons?…. whatever your age, whatever your talent, YOU could be what we’re looking for. If you think you have a talent, no matter how wild or eccentric, BBC WM’s panel of judges would love to see it. This is your opportunity to win a chance to perform in the finale of BBC WM’s Summer Star Search Show at the Robin 2 in Bilston on Saturday 14th July, and to star on BBC WM. For more information on BBC WM’s Summer Star Search, please call Farah Mehmood on 0121 567 6050.
Doors Open 1pm, Auditions 2pm – 4pm.