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The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
Saturday 22nd September – Saturday 29th September in The Main House
Evenings 7:30Pm, Matinees 2:30pm
Jack Worthing is ‘Ernest’ in town. He wins Gwendolyn’s hand, but Gwendolyn declares that she chiefly loves for his name – Ernest – the name Jack has allotted his non- existent brother whose peccadilloes explain his frequent absences from his country home where lives his pretty ward, Cecily. Meanwhile, Cecily has decided to marry rake-hell ‘Ernest’ and when Algernon presents himself in this guise, she immediately accepts his smitten proposal. However, through some highly improbable coincidences, all is happily resolved.
The Crescent Theatre’s resident company celebrate the 75th Anniversary with this Oscar Wilde classic comedy and The Birmingham Mail has a video report about it.
Tickets: £12 (Concessions £11)
Copies of production photographs are available for purchase.