The Crescent TheatreProduction Archive Pages


Please note this archive page may link to other pages and sites that no longer exist

Further Information

The Crescent Undercover Surveillance Team (aka has put together a substantial dossier on these inhabitants of London's seedier areas.

To assist the public in keeping this low-life under control there is now a website put together by the team with more details, including past form of gang members, identification photographs and some surveillance video.

The team is seeking large numbers of people to keep an eye on these villains next week between 7.30pm and 10.00pm Monday to Saturday (May 14th - 19th), with an additional opportunity Saturday afternoon from 2.30pm to 5.00pm.

There is a small fee for taking part in this surveillance.

Call 0121 643 5858 or reserve your place on-line.

Threepeny Opera Microsite

The Threepenny Opera

by Kurt Weill, Lyrics by Jeremy Sams

Mon 14th - Sat 19th May 2007 at 7.30pm in The Main House
Matinée - Sat 19th at 2.30pm

Gangland London where life is cheap and crime usually pays.

The daring, charming yet utterly criminal Macheath (Mack the Knife) marries Polly Peachum. Her father, Jonathan Peachum, who controls the city’s beggar gangs, is less than pleased. He endeavours to have Macheath hanged by any means.

But the chief of police, Tiger Brown, is an old friend of Macheath’s. Peachum however, exerts considerable political influence, and eventually Macheath is arrested and imprisoned, escapes, then is imprisoned once more. He’s soon sentenced to death and it looks like it may be all over for Macheath. Or is it?

(This production is unsuitable for children)

First Night Only – £8.50 - no concessions
Other Performances – £11 / £10 concessions

PgotographsCopies of production photographs are available for purchase

Threepenny Opera - Macheath in prison Threepenny Opera - Polly Peachum Threepenny Opera - Macheath's Gang Threepenny Opera - Filch

Production links

Box Office: 0121 643 5858
The Crescent Theatre, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8AE. Company No: 699933, Charity No: 245054