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The Crescent Youth Theatre (Junior Section) presents
The Shepherd Boy Ron Barber Studio
Saturday 24th June 2006 at 2.45pm and 7.45pm.
The Shepherd Boy is a tale of love, adventure and having the courage to follow your dreams. Adapted from an idea in the novel, ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho, this unique piece of theatre is physical, visual and full of surprises. The Junior Crescent Youth Theatre group are giving two performances of this stage version.
A cast of over twenty young people play thirty-eight characters as we follow the young shepherd on his journey through Spain, Africa and Egypt. The Shepherd is looking for hidden treasure shown to him in his dreams, but through searching for his treasure, he also finds spiritual wealth, love and the wisdom of the alchemists.
Tickets: Mat: £8.50 (£7.50 conc), Eve: £9.00 (£8.00 conc)