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A Man For All Seasons Summer tour
By Robert Bolt
This year's ever popular Summer Tour is Robert Bolt's famous account of Sir Thomas Mores unwitting conflict with Henry VIII over his proposed divorce to Catherine.
Henry recognises More as an intelligent, God-fearing man who has a conscience. More recognises the penalty for opposing the King.
Performance locations, dates and times
Ragley Hall, Alcester. 25 June at 3.00pm 01789 762090
Botanical Gardens, Birmingham. 28-30 June at 7.00pm 0121 454 1860
Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens, 1 July at 7.00pm 0121 749 4100
Heythrop Park, Chipping Norton 9 July at 3.00pm
Harvington Hall, Kidderminster 14 &15 July at 7.00pm and 16 July at 3.00pm 01562 777846
A range of publicity photographs are available for purchase.
Bring a picnic along to any of the performances to complete the experience!
Please note: all performances are outdoors and we cannot usually provide seating at these locations - please bring your own low backed folding chairs or blankets to sit on. The English summer weather is unpredictable so be prepared for rain.
We regret that we are unable to give refunds in the event of inclement weather.