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The Browning Version and Still Life
Barber Studio Theatre
By Terence Rattigan and Noel Coward
6th -15th July 2006 at 7.45pm
(Matinees Sats 8th & 15th at 2.45)
In the Browning Version a wife despises her school master husband and has an affair with another master only to find the relationship flounder when the truth is revealed.
In Still
Life (filmed as Brief Encounter) two people try to enjoy a love affair
but find they can't go on and meet for the last time in a station refreshment room.
Two classics in one night.
Weekdays and Saturday Matinee - £8.50, concessions
Friday and Saturday Evening - £9.00, concessions £8.00
First night all tickets - £7.00
A range of production photographs are available for purchase.
In Rehearsal