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Me and My Girl Main House
Bournville Musical Theatre Company
Music by Noel Gay. Book & Lyrics by L. Arthur Rose and Douglas Furber
29 March - 2 April 2005 at 7.30 (Matinee Sat 2nd at 2.30).
When cockney sparra, Bill Snibson, becomes Lord of the Manor, it not only flabbergasts the family who were expecting a proper gentleman, but also his friends and his love Sally.
This popular evergreen of a musical features such songs as "Leaning on a Lamp Post", "The Lambeth Walk", "The Sun Has Got His Hat On" and of course the title song.
Tue-Wed £11 (£10 concessions)
Thu - Sat (eve) £12. No concessions.
Sat Matinee £10. No concessions.