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BOUNCERS Ron Barber Studio
By John Godber
Perfromed by RDC Productions
5 - 9 April 2005 at 7.45pm
It's Friday night. Club night. Time for 'Bouncers' to come alive. RDC presents an all new, updated version of this outrageous and hilarious parody of the night club scene. Four brutish bouncers portay over 20 different characters as they head head for a night on the town.
Meet the giggling girls, the lads on the make, the hoorah henrys, the pogoing punks and the smooth talking DJ's. All set against the tatty, glitzy, flashing glamour and the pulsating beat of the dance floor.
Starring Tom Roberts ( '2point4 Children' ) Steve Edwin ( 'Blood Brothers' West End) and Russell Richardson ('Coronation Street'). Directed by Alice Bartlett.
Tickets: £8.00 (No concessions)