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Random Acts of Malice Studio
An award-winning pschological drama by Alan Fraser
21 24 28 April at 7.45pm, matinee 28 April
at 2.45pm
(Note: The performances on 21 and 23 April have had to be cancelled. This production now opens on April 24th)
The Reverend James Petrie is the Parish priest for a secluded Scottish village. He lives with his wife Hannah and their daughter, Larissa, a nurse in the local hospital.
When Hal Devereaux arrives at their home late one night asking for shelter from a storm it seems little more than another burden for the over-worked minister and his family. But although polite at first, Hal's behaviour becomes slowly more erratic until the family suspect that he is not as easy going as he seems. Their worst fears are confirmed in the most terrifying way and James is plunged into a crisis that threatens the very foundations on which he has based his life and ministry.
The terrifying events that followed were they part of some master plan, was there a motive or were they just random acts of malice?
"When people are scared of you, you can do anything - remember that."
WINNER - Derek Lomas Celebration of New Theatre Award
WINNER - Best New Play, Wellington Drama Festival
Strong and compelling - Stagecoach
Chilling... terrifying... excellent and very disturbing... real on-the-edge-of-you-seat stuff. - Shropshire Star
Subscription Series Show 3