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The Lizzie Wiggins Experience!
8 & 10 November @ 1.00 & 7.30pm
Rib tickling merriment and mirth as the irrepressible Lizzie Wiggins, self-styled Duchess of Dudley entertains with her very own brand of humour and mirth. Together with her special guest, this really is a must see event.
The Man from Brummagem
7 November @ 7.30pm & 9 November @ 1.00 & 7.30pm,
Broadcaster, Playwright, Comedian and certainly one of Birminghams favourite sons in his own one man show with sparkling observations and humour about life and living in Brummagem.
The lad from Saltley at his very best!
Tickets all seats 5.00 for matinee performances
NB Matinee performances start at 1pm and finish at 3pm
Tickets for evening performances 8.50 (concessions 7.00)