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Into the Woods Main House
- Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Book by James Lapine
20 - 29th April 2000
Into the Woods brings to musical life, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood and other well-known fairytale chracters. Interwoven with these classic tales is the story of the Baker and his wife, whose longing for a child is thwarted by a mischievous witch who lives next door.
Fused into one are a glorious re-telling of familiar stories and an exploration of the difficult choices we all face on the path of life. All this plus the words and music of Stephen Sondheim combine to produce an evening of non-stop pleasure.
Performance dates
Thu 20 April, 7.30; Fri 21, 7.30; Sat 22, 7.30; Mon 24, 7.30 Tue 25, 7.30; Wed 26, 7.30; Thu 27, 7.30(A); Fri 28, 7.30; Sat 29, 2.30(A) and 7.30